Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Rant. . .

Self esteem is the esteem of your friggin SELF!

So why do we have all these codependent psycho females that don't know how to act with guys? Like, what they think about themselves is based on what the fellas think.

Okay, before I start, I will admit that I do have estrogen in me, therefore I do also feel down when the oh so perfect guy isn't head over heels for me....and do just so happen to become flattered when I have the attention of ....for the sake of the blog, let's call men.."him".

But "he" does not define me, or ruin and/or make my day. 

I think females give "him" too much credit. Like how often do we say, "oh I don't care about HIM. He is corny anyway." . . . yet repeat it 500 times. Obviously he is on our mind! 

Or....even better......we "don't care about HIM" yet if we find out he's located where we are about to be located, be it at a party, lounge, OR CHURCH SERVICE, we DON'T go...or even a step further and get all DOLLED up with the high heels and raise our hand a little higher when we see him looking our way. 

We give them AUTHORITY of our choices as to where we are going to be, who we talk to, what we talk about and our thoughts....yet we "don't care"...THINK ABOUT IT. 

I know someone is agreeing with me right now! 


I have a theory that there is something wrong with people that EVERYONE likes, or people that want EVERYONE to like them. 

Example: You are Type A, someone who is totally opposite of you is type B, and someone who is totally different from Type A and Type B will be Type on and so-forth. 

So here comes Type Z. . how is it that people Type A through Y..all Type Z?

Type Z must be 34234 people in 1. I don't want to say fake, but let's just's likely in my opinion.


Females that always need a man around. The female that can't even fathom being single. (Who's name just popped in you head? Cause everyone knows one.)

This is interesting to me, I think every woman deserves a good man. But I don't think every woman deserves a good man, and than another good man, and then a not so good man, and then another okay man, and another. 

Like Chris Crocker once said, "Codependency is not in style and never will be in style". So why do these women always need a man for, what are they doing for you that you can't do for yourself.

I as well have those moments when I just wish I could call the person that knows me the most and accepts me for me and bla bla bla bla....I'm 19. . . and I already know that you come by that maybe once in your entire life! I have a long way. 
I also know this...who wants to be with someone who always HAS to be with someone? ..or date someone where the happiness relies on them!

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